Quick and Easy Pool Openings and Closings
A high-performance opening and closing kit that treats up to 20,000 gallons of pool water. It is compatible with all chlorine systems.
Kit contains:
-1 quart of 90-Day Algae Prevention & Remover -1 quart of Metal Klear -1 quart of Free & Klear

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SKU: 90243SKR
Product Education
- Treats up to 20,000 gallons
- Use to both open and close pools
- Compatible with all chlorine systems
For pools up to 20,000 gallons
- Clean all debris off of pool cover before removing. Remove and store cover.
- Fill pool water to proper level, midpoint of skimmer opening. Remove any winter plugs, other winterizing equipment and verify there are no water or air leaks in the system.
- Ensure all equipment is in proper working order. Check pump, filter and all valves and return lines.
- Balance the water: pH should be 7.2-7.6; Total Alkalinity should be 80-120 ppm. Brush entire pool surface.
- Shock the pool (shock not included in kit) according to the product label instructions. If there is NO visible algae, start running the filter. If there IS visible algae, check with your professional pool dealer for additional steps to remove it.
- Once pool is full and operational, add 32 oz of SeaKlear Free & Klear for up to 20,000 gallons. Run filter for 2 hours to disperse.
- Add SeaKlear 90-Day Algae Prevention & Remover for Pools according to label directions for 20,000 gallons of pool water.
- Run filter for 6 hours.
- Add 32 oz of SeaKlear Metal Klear and run filter for 4 hours.
- Make sure to keep chlorine level at 1-3 ppm throughout the season. For alternative systems, ensure that there is a good residual of sanitizer in the water.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Pool Winterizing
For pools up to 20,000 gallons
- Vacuum and clean the pool thoroughly. Clean all debris from the skimmer and pump baskets and backwash the filter.
- Balance the water: pH should be 7.2-7.6; Total Alkalinity should be 80-120 ppm.
- Shock the pool (shock not included in kit) according to the product label instructions. Make sure the filter is running.
- Add 32 oz per 20,000 gallons of SeaKlear Free & Klear and run filter for 2 hours to disperse.
- Use SeaKlear 90-Day Algae Prevention & Remover for Pools according to label directions for 20,000 gallons of pool water.
- Run the filter for at least 6 hours.
- Add 32 oz SeaKlear Metal Klear for 20,000 gallons to the swimming pool and run filter for 4 hours.
- Raise the chlorine level to 6-8 ppm. For alternative systems, make sure there is a good residual of sanitizer in the water.
- Thoroughly clean and inspect your winter pool cover for debris and holes. For extremely cold areas, turn off all equipment; make sure all equipment and piping are free of water to prevent freeze damage. Make sure all timers and lights are shut down. In deep freeze winter areas, check with your professional pool dealer for recommended best practices, including adding winter plugs, lowering water level, blowing out lines and adding pool anti-freeze.
*Treats Above Ground pools up to 31' Round and In-Ground Pools up to 1 6'x24' Diving and 18'x36' Non-Diving. For pools 12,000 gallons and below, use half the amount of products in kit.
Material Safety Data Sheets
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